Leading Language
Leads users into performing an action and how to do it most intuitively.
Compound Questions
Ask only one question at a time and make it clear which
answer matches which question.
Break apart questions that are asking more than one question
such as “Do adolescents have too much freedom, money, and not enough discipline?
How much do you agree with this?” into 3 separate questions.
Most useless question “Did you think the game was fun?”
Activity - revisit questions asked during prototype 1 and 2
"Revisit your user-testing questions from the video prototype. At least, consider the ones from your next testing round. Which are quantitative/qualitative?
Do you fall into any of the traps outlined previously and how can you rephrase the questions?"
In the video prototype questions there were a few bad eggs.
We asked viewers to answer "Is this device applicable to a wide enough target market?" where this question was qualitative but not open-ended and was facilitating a binary yes/no response. This could be remedied for the future by rephrasing to "How could the target market be increased for this product?"
Our second question we asked was another qualitative yet open-ended question that gained wholesome remarks. The question "What other applications could be implemented into this concept to make its application wider?" gained the following responses that could be brought into the product for future evolutions:
- Phones are more trendy, perhaps convert this concept into an app also
- Telling the time as well as generate excuses, refrain from being a “Strap on excuse maker”.
- The concept is limited by being a watch, it's too old
- How many people are really late?
- "I don't need something to make an excuse for me"
- Having a free app would help reach out to more people
- It's calendar syncing via phone or PC is very useful
Second Prototype - Interactive
In these questions, users were made to answer less and prove that they can use the interface well without any tutorials. The object for this test was to help determine what was simple enough to be used straight away with no instruction. Feedback was asked in relation to "What would make this interface easier to use or more complex to add features to the base device?".The most requested change was the remove the calendar function from the watch so users only have to change the calendar information on their PC or phone to sync to the watch as the watch's screen was too miniscule to edit specific days at a time!