Monday, 15 September 2014

Q&A – Prototype Feedback, Remodelling and Rewriting Questions

Leading Language
Leads users into performing an action and how to do it most intuitively.

Compound Questions
Ask only one question at a time and make it clear which answer matches which question.
Break apart questions that are asking more than one question such as “Do adolescents have too much freedom, money, and not enough discipline? How much do you agree with this?” into 3 separate questions.

Most useless question “Did you think the game was fun?” 


Activity - revisit questions asked during prototype 1 and 2

"Revisit your user-testing questions from the video prototype. At least, consider the ones from your next testing round. Which are quantitative/qualitative?
Do you fall into any of the traps outlined previously and how can you rephrase the questions?"

In the video prototype questions there were a few bad eggs.
We asked viewers to answer "Is this device applicable to a wide enough target market?" where this question was qualitative but not open-ended and was facilitating a binary yes/no response. This could be remedied for the future by rephrasing to "How could the target market be increased for this product?"

Our second question we asked was another qualitative yet open-ended question that gained wholesome remarks. The question "What other applications could be implemented into this concept to make its application wider?" gained the following responses that could be brought into the product for future evolutions:

  • Phones are more trendy, perhaps convert this concept into an app also
  • Telling the time as well as generate excuses, refrain from being a “Strap on excuse maker”.
The next set of questions were a broad overview, we asked viewers to give 1 good and bad point on both the concept and the video. This question was easy enough to answer, forcing people to give their dissatisfaction without feeling embarrassed. Answers included:
  • The concept is limited by being a watch, it's too old
  • How many people are really late?
  • "I don't need something to make an excuse for me"
  • Having a free app would help reach out to more people
  • It's calendar syncing via phone or PC is very useful

 Second Prototype - Interactive

In these questions, users were made to answer less and prove that they can use the interface well without any tutorials. The object for this test was to help determine what was simple enough to be used straight away with no instruction. Feedback was asked in relation to "What would make this interface easier to use or more complex to add features to the base device?".

The most requested change was the remove the calendar function from the watch so users only have to change the calendar information on their PC or phone to sync to the watch as the watch's screen was too miniscule to edit specific days at a time!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Physical Interactions for Email, Twitter and SuperMario Mates

  • Write on a note of paper your message in standard handwriting. Computer interprets and fires off to recipient.
  • Put images and briefcases into a mail box to auto attach items to email.
  • Tear up letters to delete messages.
  • Rows of folders for each category in your emails.
  • Spam filter electric fence. Ward off unofficial postmen for your emails.

  • Shoot a bird when you want to delete a tweet.
  • To retweet a message, purchase eggs off that person and hatch them, then release them into the wild.
  • Catch and add the bird to your cage to favourite a tweet.
  • Let off a carrier pigeon with your message to tweet to the public
  • To share an account give your property to a friend who needs it temporarily, there they can access all the birds and thus your twitter account.

 *uses a treadmill as the unlimited 2D space with a projector on the track*
  • Bash a box above your head to initiate a jump into a brick in the game.
  • Run faster on the treadmill to run.
  • Jump up on the treadmill and land on a projected NPC to kill it.
  • Higher treadmill elevation for running up stairs.
  • Swinging arm with foam attachment for duck and dodge obstactles.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Interactive Prototype 1 - Late Excuse Watch

Statement of Delivery

The Late Excuse Watch is a compact technology delivering a means to avoid messy confrontations when you are late for a meeting or event. Using a GPS, the watch calculates whether the wearer will be late and generates a non-cliché excuse if so.

The Purpose of this step in the prototyping of our design, interface and interactive use is to gauge user’s responses on the simplicity and accessibility of the functions of the device. Through simply opening the calendar popup and selecting a certain date, we give the user the ability to view their (pre) inputted time and venue of the event or meeting.

The Form of the prototype in this interactive flash piece tries to mimic real life elements. The interface is yet to be polished however the form of the interface was constructed to mimic what scale and shape it would be on your wrist – with a watch backdrop imitating the body of the device.

Wristwatch interface

The inner interface features easy to read time and 3 buttons for separate functions, Calendar where users can add view and change event/meeting, and a GPS where users can view their location. The third button was for this version of the prototype to display generated excuses on demand instead of when the user is late for his/her meeting or event.

The Testing that will be required for this prototype design step will require users to navigate the interface successfully, selecting a date, viewing and repeating to us their venue and time of meeting or event, and navigate back to the menu and proceed to generate an excuse to use assuming that they will be late for this event. After they’ve completed these steps a simple survey will be asked with open ended questions for feedback on future iterations of this concept.

Questions such as:
  • How simplistic or complex is this interface for everyday use?
  • If future versions were created, what are two things that could be added, changed, or removed in the interface itself?
  •         How could the target market be given more options in how this device operates (such as adding ability to disable GPS tracking)?

The Decisions made when constructing the prototype were difficult as it is a prototype for a real-life working model. It was unfeasible to add features such as GPS tracking to determine if the wearer was going to be late to a meeting or event because no one would be wearing this software or going anywhere with it. It was also decided to exclude time based input from the user so that excuses didn’t have to wait to be generated until the time elapsed. In other words exceeded the time he/she was supposed to be at the location – thus locations were added to dates manually.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

CRC for Late Excuse Watch

As defined by Extreme Programming (.org), CRC cards (Class, Responsibilities, and Collaboration) cards are a concept of physically mapping out a new system as a team. The concept allows individuals to model object oriented technology and move away from procedural thinking. CRC cards in the case of one person teams are used to represent objects, classes, collaborators,  and responsibilities of each method wanted to be incorporated into an idea.

This will then translate into code further down the path.

CRC overview for The Late Excuse Watch

 Test GPS
  • Select Locator
  • View Map Object
  • Back to Menu
Set Time & Location for a "meeting"
  • Select Calendar
  • Select Date
  • Input location and Start Time
  • Save (or autosaves)
  • Back to Menu
Delete Schedules
  • Select Calendar
  • Select Date with Highlight
  • Select Erase/Delete (icon?)
  • Back to Menu
View the time, main menu
  • Stare at the main menu

Schedule and GPS extends menu.

Calender, Delete function (private), Add event function (private) extends Schedule.

GPS is responsible for Schedule Locations while they both collaborate to pinpoint location and distance/time to extrapolate time of arrival, creating excuse when late.

edit here